Lakes & Waterways
Lake & waterway management
Construction services
Consultancy services
Water analysis/testing
Bathymetry mapping
Water quality monitoring & telemetry
Underwater/submarine drone investigations
Nutrient reduction & bioaugmentation
Vegetation management -aquatic weeds, marginal/shore plants
Algae investigation & control
Water quality improvement
Shoreline protection/erosion control & enhancement
Reservoirs & Water Containment
Constructing & renovating reservoir and in-ground and above ground tank structures for water containment, irrigation, waste-water, livestock, agriculture, fire suppression use, aquaculture and amenity beautification purposes. Water quality management tools and equipment consultation, implementation sales and service support.
Lined structures made from: Earth and/or bentonite, polymer product lining, concrete (gunite & wet shotcrete) structures, geosynthetic fabrics/bentonite impregnated liners, EPDM rubber/Firestone Geomembrane, HDPE and PVC liners.

Design, consultancy, new pond construction, remediation and service of existing naturally occurring ponds, storm-water ponds, vernnal ponds, man-made amenity or decorative ponds, fishing ponds, koi and goldfish ponds or other exotic tropical ponds(heated or warm-climate) & fish as well as salt water lagoons.
Design and implementation of aquatic and marginal planting
Water gardens & rain gardens

Providing consultancy, enhancement & design and construction services of cold water fisheries such as backyard watersheds for salmon, steelhead habitat as well as for private trout fishing ponds & lakes, warm-water gamefish – largemouth bass, crappie, sunfish, ornamental and exotic fish for contained man-made spaces indoor/outdoor.
Organizing fish stocking services throughout California & New Zealand-
CA – Largemouth bass, Florida largemouth bass strain, striped bass, black crappie, bluegill/sunfish, rainbow & brown trout, golden trout, catfish, Sacramento blackfish, sturgeon, mosquito fish, hybrid carp(permit) koi, shiners, paradise fish & various other ornamental fish/tropical fish for indoors & outoodr spaces.
NZ – Grey mullet, juvenille king salmon, redfin/bullies, grass carp(by permit only) & various kokopu species on special status.

Aquatic Weed & Algae Control
Consultation & mechanized/labour services of invasive marginal/shore-based plants & submerged aquatic weed control utilizing various methods:
- Mechanized Equipment & manual harvesting
- Heavy equipment & manual raking
- Spray Activities -organic & non-organic herbcide treatments
- Cutting
- Manual removal – duck weed, azolla
- Natural resetting & establishment

- Performing algae biovolume, cell counts testing & identification services
- BGA -Blue-green algae/cyanobacteria consultancy & investigation for toxicity and health risks
- BGA – treatments & prevention -small scale to larger public & private lakes & reservoirs -natural, mineral & chemical
- Water nutrient analysis & chemistry testing services
- Water nutrient reduction through upstream remediation
- Technical equipment sourcing and installation for algae reduction & control
- Water quality monitoring services

Riparian Habitats & Watershed Remediation

Waterfalls & Streams
- Custom waterfalls & streams
- Natural rock settings
- Artificial rock & environments & blending with real stone & landscape materials
- Full landscape designs & construction including detailed plantscaping
- Lined, concrete, earthen & naturally occuring
We are specialists in the creation and function of ocean and freshwater environments in the aquarium or in fitting in with other larger water containment structures for private and public viewing. Our passion inspires us to simulate real eco-types of the aquatic life in selection to closely mimic the behaviour of water flows and currents found in nature to give one the illusion as well as function of a specific environment as a diorama of sorts. Often these same water dynamics play an instrumental role in improving water quality, food sources and hunting/foraging enrichment opportunities and enhancing overall potential biology in addition to providing a superior natural setting habitat for the aquatic life.
We offer:
- Custom design and installation
- Custom acrylic & glass tanks
- refurbishment of existing tanks or large aquaria
- Custom “In-Wall” tank set-ups
- Automated low-maintenance water filtration systems
- Heating & cooling systems equipment
- Custom waterfalls and streams into freshwater aquarium tanks or other acrylic viewing panelized tank
- Livestock procurement through our networks
- Live & artificial coral procurement
- Freshwater & brackish water plant procurement
- Procurement of woody roots & debris
- Faux wood & vine theming
- Custom tailored theming & props – including custom backdrops, foreground features, rock work, roots, trees artificial coral reefs and other natural elements
- Routine maintenance services
– Tropical seascapes
– Cold water seascapes
– Tropical freshwater
– Cold freshwater
– Terrariums
-Turtle/Terrapin Ponds for indoors and outdoors

Water & Fire Features
- Concrete Structures
- Metal Structures & Sculptures
- Custom Fountains
- Sequenced Fountains & Water Effects
- Water Walls
- Ornamental Fountains & Features
- Indoor & Outdoor Features
- Public & Commercial Displays
- Laminar Jets
- Pondless Water Features
- Architectural Water Features & Fountains
- Tiled & Plastered Structures
- Themed Features
- Environmentally Friendly Water Features
- Underwater Fire Effects & Features
- Custom Remote Control Fire Features


- Aerator
- Display
- Formal
- Ornamental
- Classic/Antique
- Architectural/Modern
- Sequence & Waterplay
Aquatic Life Support Systems