About Us
“Immersed in Nature”
Covering Environmental Stewardship and Responsibility, Action to Improve and Care for our Terrestrial and Aquatic Environments. Re-Creating Mother Nature & Enriching Living Spaces for Wildlife & People

Our Story
“The stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner.” – Psalms (ch. CXVIII, v.22)
Since its inception Aqua-Environs Construction (AEC) has been involved in aqua- & landscape related consultations, restorations, renovations, alterations and start-to-finish construction and maintenance services. Our foundation and journey in water & landscape related construction began in Seattle, Washington in 1991 with the company formation of AEC in 2006/07.
Founded by Darin and Ora Brenner (husband & wife -Co Directors) the humbling start began by driving and passing flyers out to homes in 2006 and 2007 as child rearing allowed. Gradually a wide variety of opportunities presented themselves often through entrepreneurial spirited customers with ambitious plans allowing for great opportunities to learn and grow while also beginning a new family. In AEC’s early days, New Zealand had allowed the business to be involved in many different inter-related fields of work due to the wide variety of needs in the country leading us to be competent in varying fields of work.
Aqua-Environs Construction (AEC) performs consultancy and specialized design and construction services to clients close to home as well as outside our home ranges. With bases in both our new Sacramento, California location and long-standing Auckland, New Zealand origin, our work can stretch from local areas to country wide and beyond from each location on a variety of different projects.
We are pleased to offer a wide range of high quality services and products catering to homeowners, businesses-commercial clients and the civil infrastructure -council/government sectors.
“Unifying Aquatic and Terrestrial Environments, Solving Problems & Creating re-newal”
Having a love of water and natural landscape environments and their inherent elements coupled with a natural artistic talent -these specific interests & abilities have allowed us to distinguish ourselves and carve a unique “niche” and style into the creation and restoration of nature through proven craftsmanship and artistry of the terrestrial and aquatic elements and structures found in the our environments including the selection of materials giving way to the amount of detail, natural function, “eco-purpose” and care placed into many of our projects. Our visionary experimental nature and thinking along with our very collaborative and engaging client and designer relations lends to inventive, unique and rewarding outcomes for those involved.
Since its early days and throughout the years, AEC has always managed to pull and pool together high quality talent and skill as needed to create and finish projects and services to greater results and satisfaction of all those involved -even nature itself.
-there is more to esteem to….
This specific interest and love has inspired us to becoming very competent of the many biological and chemical complexities found in these same aquatic and terrestrial environments -through direct experience we gain understanding of the relationship of the elements present. We continue to press forward utilizing bio-solutions/eco-oriented methods, ingredients and products catering to natural processes yet when required, provide long-term durability and functionality to our construction endeavors and are tools for purposes of improvement of natural systems or those simulating them. We bring this thinking and action along with proven materials and technologies in concert with construction and remediation tasks using the various techniques we have learned over the course of time to assist us with the gamete of aquatic and landscape improvements and creative challenges we face today.
AEC: Creative Forms & Architecture
While we delve into “nature” projects and services as a –natural tendency. Over time AEC has also undertaken a number of high quality formal architectural water, landscape as well as unusual building creations. As such, we are able to design and fabricate a myriad of requests or vision involved with not only natural landscapes and habitats, but as well, formal features, water and fire effects, water movement, fountains, natural and conventional swimming pools, spas and lagoons, custom ritual mikvah’s, viewing window ponds and pools, unusual indoor & outdoor aquariums, terrariums, vivariums and paludariums, living walls, water-play equipment, caves and grottos or other themed buildings or environs dreamed up as well as ambitiously attending to unique creative or water conservative eco-minded “terra-firma” landscape forms that enrich and harmonize homes, public spaces and wild places.
AEC: Experience & Service
Over the course of our time we have gained experience and knowledge in the related aspects of what we do involved with;
Architecture, biophilic design, habitat enhancement, engineered structures, hydraulics, bio-processes and mechanics in aquatic and shoreline environs, native horticulture, aquatic and marginal plant and algae, water containment, forestry and fire defense, filtration, water circulation and aeration, chemistry, biology and ecology, fish & other aquatic life habitats, erosion control, slope protection, environmental theming/faux structures, watershaping-waterscaping and specialized unusual custom landscape construction and mitigation.
We offer our clients:
• Consultation, On-site analysis & Testing Services
• Design & Engineering
• Modelling – Miniature Modelling, CAD/3D
• Equipment, materials & Product Sourcing
- Off & On-site Fabrication
- Installation & Construction
- Remediation
What We Do
Consultation & Analysis
- Waterways, Lakes & Ponds
- Wetlands & Riparian Habitats
- Zoological Habitats
- Aquaria
- Forestry/Fire Reduction Risk
- Fisheries
- Storm-Water Ponds
Design & Supply Procurement
- Natural Swimming Pool, Ponds & Lakes
- Themed Environments & Rockwork
- Native Landscapes
- Rain Gardens
- Water Containment, Conservation & Systems
- Aquaria Life Support Systems
- Aeration Systems for Aquatic Systems
- Water & Fire Features & Fountains
Construction, Fabrication & Remediation
- Zoological Habitats, Enclosures & Public Spaces
- Public, Commercial & Private Aquaria
- Aquatic Habitat Enhancement
- Museums & Interpretive Centers
- Artifical Environments & Rock for Aesthetic or Slope & Embankment Protection
- Riparian Habitats & Wetlands
- Lakes, Reservoirs, Ponds & Lagoons
- Natural Swimming Pools & Ponds
- Water Features
- Terrariums, Vivariums & Paludariums
- Conventional Custom Pools
- Spas, Waterslides & Waterplay
- Display & Aeration Fountains
- Natural & Exotic Landscapes
- Revegetation Planting & Native Gardens
Services & Management
- Lakes, Waterways & Ponds
- Water Quality Management
- Erosion Control
- Slope Stability & Enhancement
- Wildlife & Fishery Enhancement
- Gamefish Supply & Stocking
- Aquatic Weed & Algae Control
- Forest Fire Preventive Measures & Defensible Space Preparations
- Forest Fire Clean-up
- Site Clearing & Levelling
- Trenching for Private Utilities
- Flood Mitigation & Clean-Up
- Irrigation
- Exotic fish Sourcing & Supply
Our Partners & Affiliations

PHONE: +1(916)305-1373 U.S.A.
PHONE: +64-27-347-8338 New Zealand
E: aquaenvironsconstructionllc@gmail.com